Gesytec is LonMark "Member of the Month" in September 2017
Each month, LonMark features a company, organization, or individual committed to the development, manufacture and use of open, multi-vendor control systems utilizing ISO/IEC 14908-1 and related standards.
Our Development Manager Matthias Lürkens is a member of the Management Board of LonMark Deutschland and LonMark International. Gesytec is committed to the development and standardization of new LON standards.
In September 2012, Gesytec was named the Lonmark "member of the month" and now, we look forward to the title again this year. Thank you for the selection.
Gesytec was the first European company to develop its own products based on LonWorks® technology. Gesytec was also the founder of the first LON® Users Group, which is called LonMark Germany today.
LonMark dedicates a special feature page to Gesytec on