Gesytec M-Bus LON Gateway – Connecting M-Bus and LON
One device, two worlds: the Gipsy M-Bus LON Gateway from Gesytec connects M-Bus and LonWorks networks, making the data from both networks accessible to OPC clients. Setting the device parameters is easy to do on any PC.
The gateway captures the data from M-Bus devices through an interface converter at a serial connection; on the LonWorks side there is an FTT interface. Because the gateway is itself also a LonWorks node, the collected data can be used by other nodes.
The data from both networks is collected in an SQL-database, which is accessed through an integrated OPC server. SQL commands also allow direct data access.
Ethernet, ISDN, or analog modem provide access to the Gipsy M-Bus LON Gateway including remote access. Optionally, the data can be locally archived and transferred to higher level systems via FTP or email.
Setting the parameters for the Gipsy M-Bus LON Gateway is simple and straightforward: using a predefined list of M-Bus device types the suitable devices are selected in the accompanying configuration program. Of course, the respective device addresses have to be specified. The program does the rest. Mapping to the LON side, where each device is represented by a LONMARK object, is already defined. Finally, the finished parameterization just has to be downloaded into the gateway.
About Gesytec
Gesytec GmbH was founded in 1978 in Aachen, Germany. For more than 30 years the company has developed and manufactured hardware and software for automation.
Gesytec offers products and services for automation with LonWorks and embedded PCs. Gesytec has a complete product line for communication (including remote), intelligent and peripheral connections, and network infrastructure utilizing the LonWorks protocol. Embedded PC boards and connection solutions provide remote access from the Internet down to field bus level.
Gesytec products are distributed worldwide.