Quality Reliably Monitored by GesySense
From production to the sales room frozen and refrigerated food is subject to a controlled system of monitoring. Goods must always be transported and stored at the correct temperature, which has to be documented appropriately. With GesySense an elegant solution has been installed in the shop at the BP gas station in Feldkirch, Austria, which performs this task reliably and in no time and in addition gives to the operator the security to be immediately informed in case of any problems.
The shop at the gas station has long replaced the kiosks at the corner and by and by has become a 24/7 supermarket. It must not only meet customer expectations in its product range but also in terms of freshness and quality of goods. And one more instance has demands, the local authorities with their reviews. These requirements must be met by the operator.
With such documentation requirements several retailers simply comply by writing down the temperature of thermometers several times a day. While this is formally correct it also costs time and may include copy errors.
There is better! This has also been recognized by the owner of the BP gas station in Feldkirch. Thus he installed in his shop the modern automatic GesySense system, which provides a continuous temperature recording as well as the monitoring for temperature limits and an alarm in case of need.
Simple installation work
- Mount battery operated wireless sensors in cooling devices and storage rooms
- Connect the receiver to Ethernet and power
- Mount and power up repeaters if required by building topology
- Install operation software on the PC
- Load the pre-configured project
- Receive data
Now the system can be fine-tuned to the specific documentation requirements for the various goods and measuring points. Recording interval, warning thresholds and limit values, recipients for alert messages can be set in accordance with legal regulations and operational requirements.
Maintenance at a minimum
Batteries do not last forever, but those used in the wireless sensors will run the modules for 5 years at least. The self-monitoring system will show early enough when a replacement is needed. A regular calibration of temperature sensors used in the cooling devices is not required.
With this system the gas station operator shows not only competence with regard to fuel and service for vehicles but also a sense of responsibility for the quality of goods in a now equally important segment of gas station operation.
Does it pay off?
The balance between the risk of a potential damage in goods and the investment can be calculated. When will the investment in a new system be amortized? Calculate the time here!