Ride the wave with ease
EPOS – the IoT Stack for Microcontrollers
Do you want to IoT-enable your microcontroller just with software? Here is the solution.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is developing at rapid speed. First it was just a vision, now it is the next wave of technological development. This wave is gaining power with more and more momentum.
The interest in the IoT is growing rapidly and attracting ever larger groups. More and more companies from different sectors are bringing their concepts and products to the public. The Internet of Things will change many industries radically. The commonly used term “4th Industrial Revolution” reflects the potential of this development.
Whoever wants to ride this wave, must be prepared now, to climb on board. Those who want to make the dream a reality must become active now.
The essence of the Internet of Things is communication based on the capabilities of IPv6. The key to it is to master this communication. Gesytec knowledge in communication and network technology will help you to jump onto the board and ride the IoT wave easily.
EPOS pushes open the door to the IoT
Gesytec communication software EPOS is the key that pushes open the door to the IoT for new “things”. New devices are linked quickly and easily with EPOS into the IoT, and manufacturers from many areas are thus offered a convenient way to surf this wave successfully.
EPOS is a protocol stack which can easily be integrated into a modern microcontroller. It runs both with and without an operating system. EPOS is IPv6/v4 capable and creates the basis to use devices in an Internet of Things environment.
EPOS offers even more. What language do we speak in the IoT? For those who don’t want to have their ideas isolated by using proprietary solutions but are open to connecting with the solutions from others – EPOS comes with a protocol in use worldwide that has already proven itself a million times in the communication of intelligent devices.
The next opportunity to learn more:
Light+Building 2014 (March 30– April 4, Frankfort, Germany),
Gesytec is in Hall 9.0, Booth E10.