Easylon Interfaces +
Advantages of the EN 14908 Based Solutions
Increased performance, real multi-client usage, analyzing capabilities – these are the mayor advantages coming with the Easylon Interfaces+ (VNI interfaces).
Based on the EN 14908 standard Easylon Interfaces+ realize network access using a modern CPU on the physical interface and running most of the implementation as virtual nodes on the host computer. This segmentation gives numerous advantages:
- increased performance
- parallel transactions
- real multi client usage of interface for up to 8 MIP and LNS based applications
- 256 or more address table entries instead of the usual 8
- 512 kbytes of network buffer
- Analyzer capabilities with Easylon Analyzer Software
And, best of all: You don’t have to modify your applications if you decide for this novel solution! A software gateway using an IP channel is not required.
Especially the multi-client capability is interesting if your network attached computer serves more than just one purpose. Further to e. g. data acquisition from the network you can run additional control applications or perform management tasks in the LON network. You advantage with Easylon is, that this is not limited to just two: up to eight applications you can run in parallel. Furthermore Easylon Interfaces+ offer remote access capabilities – even for MIP based programs.
Individual driver interface for each virtual interface
- Up to eight drivers per interface, each having its own Neuron ID
- separate priority handling for each client
- 64, 32 and 16 bit interface
- Echelon compatible interface, can be used with e. g. Nodeutil, Nodetalk, LNS and other "legacy" applications.
Easylon Interfaces+ are based on the EN 14908 (or ISO/IEC 14908) standard describing the protocol underlying the LON technology.
LON Related Standards
- EN 14908; ISO/IEC 14908 Open data communication in building automation, controls and building management
– Part 1: Protocol Stack
– Part 2: Twisted Pair Communication
– Part 3: Power Line Channel Specification
– Part 4: IP Communication
– Part 5: Implementation
– Part 6: Application elements