Refrigeration Systems Comfortably Monitored
- Current values of temperature, humidity and status
- Continuous documentation for all locations
- Accessible by PC or mobile device
- Fail-safe recording
- Monitoring of values for definable limits
- Alerts at limit value infringement
Reliable and independent data recording
Independent monitoring of the refrigeration system, no maintenance of the recording system, no trouble with the data storage or processing, always being informed – a reality with GesySense and toccata enterprise.
Whether driven by legal requirements or by the proper responsibility for quality: food, pharmaceuticals as well as sensible exhibits in a museum must be monitored for climatic conditions. This requires considerable efforts: Values must be captured and validated at different locations 24/7. Therefore automated procedures are required, also providing time saving, increased reliability and easy availability of the results.
Install, put into operation and not having to worry about it, that’s the way it’s done.
All you need is
- a GesySense wireless sensor system for measured value acquisition
- a LAN router and internet access (alternatively a router to mobile cellular networks) bringing the datato the cloud
- an account with toccata enterprise, by which you will get all information on your system.
The battery operated GesySense wireless sensor system continuously measures and transmits values to the toccata enterprise web portal. From there all values are available to the user, in time and archived. Defining limits and schedules for alerts is up to him. The systems status can be checked at any time.
If you would like to get a first impression follow this link to the tocata portal demo.